Sunday, October 28, 2012

Round 2 of RevAbs Final Results

Yesterday was Day 90 of my second round of RevAbs so now it's time to share the results with everyone. For this round of RevAbs, instead of doing Phase 1, 2 and 3 from the "Basic" version of the program, I did  Phase 2 and 3 of the "Basic" version and then Phase 3 from the "Deluxe" upgrade version (Phase 3 is the only difference between the two versions).

For this round, I lost 32.6lbs, 4.5" off of my waist and 15.5" overall and my overall body fat % dropped from 22.5% when I started this round to 14.8%. For my overall numbers since I started the program back on April 16, I've lost 102.7lbs, 14" off of my waist and 50.5" overall and my body fat % has dropped 57% down to 14.8%. And now for the photo evidence, first off, the final results comparison for this round of RevAbs.

And here is a side by side progression look for the second round

And finally, a look at the overall progress from when I started back in April of this year.

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