Thursday, September 27, 2012

RevAbs Day 60 Progress Report: Round 2

Yesterday was Day 60 for me in my second round of RevAbs and I wanted to take a moment to share my results with you. Since this was my second round of RevAbs I decided to change things up a bit. Instead of doing Phase 1, 2 and 3 from the "Basic" version of the program, this time I'm doing Phase 2 and 3 of the "Basic" version and then Phase 3 from the "Deluxe" upgrade version (Phase 3 is the only difference between the two versions). So today was the end of Phase 3 from the "Basic" version.

For this round, I've currently lost 23.2lbs, 3.25" off of my waist and nearly 11" overall and my overall body fat % has dropped 7% from when I started this round. For my overall numbers since I started the program back on April 16, I've lost 93.3lbs, 12.75" off of my waist and nearly 49" overall and my body fat % has dropped 39% down to 20.9%. And now for the photo evidence, first off, the Day 60 comparison for this current round of RevAbs.

And here is a side by side progression look at the 60 day mark

And finally, a look at the overall progress from when I started... looks like I might have grew a bit taller thanks to my better posture now :-)

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